680. Valid Palindrome II - LeetCode Fastest Solution
Updated: Jan 8
Hello Code Recipian! Welcome back to another article on LeetCode problem solutions. In our last article we solved LeetCode problem 125. Valid Palindrome. Today we will be solving an extension of this problem 680. Valid Palindrome II.
If you have not yet checked out 125. Valid Palindrome, this is a good time to go through it, before proceeding further in this article.
Problem Statement: Valid Palindrome II
Given string s, return true if it is possible to make s a palindrome by removing at-most one character from s.
A string is a palindrome if it reads the same forward and backward.
Example 1:
Input:Â s = "aba"
Output:Â true
Explanation:Â s is already a palindrome.
Example 2:
Input:Â s = "abca"
Output:Â true
Explanation:Â We can delete the character 'c' to make s a palindrome.
Example 3:
Input:Â s = "abc"
Output:Â false
Explanation:Â s is not a palindrome and cannot be made palindrome by deleting any one character.
1 <= s.length <= 10^5
s consists of lowercase English letters.
We can use the same two pointer technique that we used for solving 125. Valid Palindrome here as well with a slight modification. We will be using the two pointer technique along with greedy approach to solve this problem efficiently in linear time.
Let's see how this algorithm works in detail.
Below is a step-by-step explanation for the working of the algorithm:
Initialize two variables: start, end.
start represents the index of the variable used to iterate the string from starting index. This is initially set to the 0th index.
end represents the index of the variable used to iterate the string from the end. This is initially set to the last index.
Check if s is a palindrome:
Start iterating the string inwards using start, end index variables. In each iteration perform the following steps:
Check if characters represented by start and end indices match.
If yes, continue iterating inwards through the string s.
If no, we have 2 choices:
Skip the start character and continue checking for a palindrome.
Skip the end character and continue checking for palindrome.
If any of these choices returns a true, it means we can form a palindrome by skipping one character. Therefore return true.
If both choices return false, it means palindrome cannot be formed by skipping one character in string s. Therefore return false.
Return result:
If the execution comes out of main loop, it means we have checked all characters in string s and all of them match, therefore s is a palindrome. Therefore, we return result as true.
Below is a pictorial depiction of the working of the algorithm:
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Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity
We make use of two loops here, one in the main function and one in the helper function, effectively it is a nested loop. The helper function can get called from the main loop at-most twice. If n is the length of the given string s, if the first loop iterates through x elements of string s, and then calls the helper function. The helper function runs for the remaining (n-x) elements, and it runs twice in the worst case. So the overall time complexity if O(x + 2 * (n-x)) = O(2n - x) which is asymptotically equivalent to O(n).
Space Complexity
The space complexity of this solution is O(1) as we are not using any additional variables apart from start and end which take constant space.
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