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Ashwin Shirva
Sep 24, 20235 min read
Golang - What is go:embed Directive in Go?
The first thing we need to know is that, the go:embed is a compiler directive. What this means is, all of the processing that happens when
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Code Recipe
Jun 2, 202213 min read
Go Generics - Everything You Need To Know
Generics is a programming language paradigm that gives us a way to write code that is not tied to any specific type. It gives us the ability
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Code Recipe
Jan 24, 20228 min read
3 Sum - Leetcode #15 Short & Simple Solution
Given an array of integers, nums, return all the triplets in the given array nums[i], nums[j], nums[k] such that i != j, i != k, and j != k
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Code Recipe
Dec 31, 20214 min read
Reverse Integer - Leetcode #7 Short & Simple Solution
Given a 32-bit signed integer x, reverse the digits in x and return the result. If after reversing the result goes outside the signed 32-bit
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Code Recipe
Dec 30, 20216 min read
Palindrome Number - Leetcode #9 Short & Simple Solution
Given an integer x, return true if x is a palindrome integer.
An integer is a palindrome when it reads the same backward as forward.
67,945 views7 comments

Code Recipe
Dec 18, 20216 min read
Binary Search: Searching Made Easy
Binary search works only sorted arrays. Binary search divides the given array in the middle into two halves. Hence the name binary search.
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